YWednesday, May 28, 2008
11:21 PM
YTuesday, May 27, 2008
oh yeah!
one week of my holidaes are filled wif activities!
den mummy suddenly interrupted:" finish ur hmwrk horh".
& i was pissed off =.=ll
imagine how nice it wld b if my hmwrk are all completed the nxt dae i wake up..
9:17 PM
YMonday, May 26, 2008
one week got seven daes. den got 4 daes nid to go bck sch.
seven minus four equals to three.
three daes out of seven daes. is dis still called holidae?
sum1 tell mi pls. im yearning to hear the answer.
it rained dis morn & dis got mi happi 4 the whole dae.
11:45 PM
YSunday, May 25, 2008

missed one trng today!
cos every1 tot its was todae, 25may.
it was written on dat paper 25may one wad so carn blame us.
dun understand mi? lemme explain..
1 guider called & told mi dat trng was supposed to be on 24may & she called mi ON 24may.
dat means to sae 24may got trng den 25may no trng.
means we pon-ned one trng liaos.
but carn put da blame on us wad.
i mean we all tot it was on 25may marhs and no1 told us dat the date was chnged.
or was it we din hear?
aniwae, its over liao XP
but sad. dat trng was at ncc campus.
bet it was a fun one! )':
it rained dis evening & im oh so happy! XD XD XD
10:34 PM
YSaturday, May 24, 2008
dats my result.
im not gonna tell anione how lan my results are.
its so embarrassin.
i kept askin myself: hav i really given my best? can i do betta nxt tyme?
mayb the answers are both no.
i know i let u dwn. but still deres no point in scoldin animre ryte?
xll came over specially.
nth but complaints.
while others are all rejoicing bout hw gd their grades are..
mayb im da onii one reflecting.
reflecting on how BAD my results were.
shaun got mi so happi at first.
he said i got 12 in class.
then. i was tinkin.. how cld my lan results possibly get mi a 12?
he told mi 2 trust him. i trusted.
but in da end my sixth sense was ryte.
i cldnt possibly get a 12.
he must hav seen wrongly.
dats perhaps huimins or huishans name.
huifang. im oh so disappointed in you!
aniwaes, separation sucks big time. i miss my girl friends.

those. those were the happi times i had eva in my life.those. those were the fond memories etched in my mind.dear god. i wonder wen i'll eva b dat happi again.
7:11 PM
YThursday, May 22, 2008
woots! holidaes ar finally cuming!
but ohh man! it jux doesnt seem lyk its holidaes.
gotcha complete piles of projectS and hmwrkS nt 4gettin ccas (trng jux doesnt stop at all), remedials, camps, service learning and on and on. the list jux goes on wen u're in sec3.
ohhmy! sec3 onii & im copmplainin lyk hell.
den wad bout the sec4s?
guess dey jux mug & mug & mug non-stop wif no holis in betw & prelims here & dere.
mayb its best nt to tink so mch.
so mayb i should appreciate the june holidaes!(8
i hate my face & i wan plastic surgery!
9:14 PM
YSaturday, May 17, 2008
yippee yeah yeah yippee yippee yeah!
the army guys din cum 2dae so SYF trng was cancelled!
but we went dere & waited for 1+ hr lerh den dey tell us.. so wad lorh..
wasted our time travellin here & dere. hahahs.
but i certainly had fun wif those dearies! dey'r so damn cute!
were released at like 9+ & shan wanted 2 go hm unload her heavy bag.
of cos we din let her off luhh.
pleaded & pulled & "cried" & used wadeva method we cld tink 2 make her stae.
& yeah she FINALLY gave in!
too early liao so we walked arnd lot 1.. den makaned but qiinaiis & darlinqq went bck first. walked arnd basemeant b4 finally deciding 2 eat at wan zai ( hk restaurant).
we were like standing outside looking at menu lorh.
bet the worker standin dere was pissed off.
its just too YUMMIA for mi to resist!
rched hm at & slep till 7+++
haben even tched on math proposal & chem ws yet.. but hu cares luh! XP
off to watch midnite show XD
fotos of food up nxt tyme perhaps.
11:15 PM
YFriday, May 16, 2008
i jux dunnoe y pipol dun understand wad i sae.
NO simply means a NO.
*no offence but im pissed off oready!
no1's perfect in dis world luhhs.
i mean u dun expect mi 2 please you wif everything i do ryte?!
so pls stop dat!
& if dats wad u wan den go ahead & dun ask mi ANITHING lah.
*date wif lovers tmrw. YEAH!
11:02 PM
YThursday, May 15, 2008
2dae mr G came in2 our klass empty handed-ly.
& yeah! we noe its another free period! 3 cheers 4 him!
den had GG trng.
totally sucks man! every1 got breath no energy lyk dat-includin mi luhhs.
den of cos got scolding & reflection.
wah seh. every1 like wan cry wan cry like dat.. c liao so sad lorhs.
XLL sae we hav 2 do chi compo tmrw. urghs! i hate it man!
life's so pathetic.
3 consecutive daes of marching T.T
u nvr wan 2 imagine dat but
@ least sats trng gonna be oh so fun cos its dae out wif the gals!
huifang has been a good good girl,
clipping up her fringe every mornin assembly 4 da past few daes XP
10:59 PM
YTuesday, May 13, 2008
awww. had OC trainin 2dae as usual under da hot hot sun.
& i JUST realised dat june is NOT a mth of holidaes!
we still hav 2 cum bck 4 chinese remedial (mayb), & every sats/sun got SYF (youth dae parade) training den every tues 'n' fri got sch OC trainin.
OMG OMG! as if marchin on tues n fri are not enuff.. now even my weekends are taken up luhh!
still got even bad de thing lorh.
2dae got bck out geo, chem, SS & hist paper, which means a total of FOUR set-bcks in one dae. i cnnt tahan animre man.
den tmrw 1st slot gettin bck chi paper. cher sae a lot pipol nvr do well.. guess im in dat "a lot" category barh.
good luck to mi(:
11:13 PM
YMonday, May 12, 2008
yippee! lets toke bout the happi things first!
celebrated mothers dae ytd in a simple wae. simplicity rules aniwae!
i told mummy dat i wanted to buy pen as excuse 2 go collect the cake XP..lalalahs. i know dat was a lame one thou.

den i appeared wif the cake n carnation! XD
but b4 i knew wad was happening, the cake mysteriscally disappeared leavin bhind 2 pathetic slices..

okay. enuff bout ytd. 2dae was a long & tiring dae. early in da morn listen 2 our dear principal toke toke toke. sian. she sae OC is VERY VERY IMPT n by da rate we're goin, we're gonna make a fool of ourselves.. so we hav 2 train & train & train EVERY SINGLE DAE! can u bliv it?! everydae lehx! & tmrw's trng starts @ 2.45 & lesson ends @ 2.30 so mrs loh sae she's goin 2 buy us each an APPLE as lunch.. bcos apple is nutritious & blablabla. actually was BANANA but she chnged 2 APPLE cos BANANA is mre FATTENING
&& she reminded us again & again to clip up ALL our fringes ELSE she gonna clip up 4 us & take a fotograph. cute rytes?hahahs.
ah shit. i carn login friendster again. sobx.
my eyelids are heavy now. lights out pls.
9:52 PM
YSunday, May 11, 2008
eeww! i juz had strawberry yoghurt jux now & it sux big time! aloe vera one is nicer!
& yea 2dae is mamas dae! so no matter how angry or wad u feel 2wards ur mum, u still hav 2 give in 2 her on this special once-a-year dae!
so lets all 4get all the scoldings we got frm dem & make dem smile!
3:39 PM
YSaturday, May 10, 2008
woolalahs! FINALLY can sign in friendster & blogger for like 2 mths?! im dyin frm those daes luhhs!
exams are finally over BUT we're gettin bck our results..
carn imagine mummy & daddys reaction durin meet-the-parents session!
BUT yea.. FREE PERIODS! woots!
3:26 PM