YSunday, June 29, 2008
tagged by: zzt (:
1.The rules of the game gets posted at the beginning
2.Each player answer the questions about themselves
3.At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and lets them know.
Starting time : 2.20AM
Name : huifang (:
Brothers : 2kors, 2gans
Sisters : dun hav eh.
Shoe size : i bo measure one.
Height : 157.5cm but dis was at beginning of yr.. mayb i grow taller liao? XD
#1 whr do you live?
dat little red dot.
#2 Favourite drinks?
ice milo and yoshinoyas sprite fruit juice are loves.
#3 Favourite breakfast?
TOAST! its morning now. whr is my toast!!
#4 Have you ever been on a plane?
yupx yupx.
#5 Swam in the ocean?
dreamt of it only. sad. hu wan sponsor?
#6 Fallen asleep in school?
hees! & i was caught! XD
#7 Fell off your chair?
did i?
#8 Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?
nopes. i'll probably be slping rather than waiting..
#9 Saved email?
never once.
#10 wad is your room like?
3 words - very very messy.
#11 Whats right beside you?
my camera.
#12 Whats the last thing you ate?
breadtalks bread. & im very very full!
#13 Ever had chicken pox?
mama sae hav but i dunnoe. sorry lo. i got STM.
#14 Sore throat?
yups. & it sucks wen doctor ask u not to talk.
#15 Stitches?
yess.. pain pain luhhs.
#16 Broken nose?
dun tink so leh.
#17 Do you believe in love at first sight?
yes & no. im pH7.
#18 Like picnics?
its so hot outside except wen its windy(:
#19 who was/were the last person you danced with?
"family". ahma was dancing to the chan mali chan thingy & every1 joined in.
(only my close close guiders noe wad im toking bout) ;P
#20 Last who made you smile?
yanting. we were gossiping in da lib u see.
#21 You last yelled at?
my brother. he din wanna lemme watch tv.
#22 Today you did?
i went for "tuition" and i ate and i slept and i played XD
#23 have you ever kissed anyone?
my nephews! dey uber cute seh! XD
#24 Gotten sick?
yupx yupx. even saints do get sick and tired.
#25 Missed someone?
missed CCC. he's CUTE!
(once again only my close close guiders noe wad i toking bout)
#26 Eaten?
yeapx! & VERY VERY full.
#27 Best feeling in the world?
when i get high (: dats like once in a bluemoon..
#28 do you sleep with stuffed animals?
umms.. not really luh.
#29 wads under your bed?
my slippers barh.
#30 who do you really hate?
humans dun hate one another.
#31 What time is it now?
#32 Is there a person in your mind now?
nopes! im tinking of sleeping lerhs!
#33 Do you have any siblings?
wen is dis gonna end man.
#34 Do you wanna have children?
cutes ones mayb.
#35 Do you smile often?
i smiled a lot wen i see nice pipol.
#36 Are your toe nails painted?
i just removed it.
#37 who's bed other den your's would u rather sleep in
new comfy ones.
#38 What colour shirt are you wearing now?
hawt pink! ;D
#39 What were you doing at 7pm yesterday?
on the bus cuming bck frm indoor stadium(:
#40 are you a friendly person?
smile to mi & i'll smile back.
#41 Do you have pets?
eww! i hate those!
#42 Where is the person you have feelings for right now?
singapura oh singapura
sunny island.. den i dunnoe da lyrics lerh -.-
#43 Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you?
shes my lao ma zi lei.
#44 Do you sleep with the TV on?
heh! countless times. & mama will geddup to scold mi XP
#45 What are you doing right now?
typing awae..
#46 Have you ever climbed thru the window?
im scared of height leh..
#47 Can you handle truth?
at times its hard to accept so i might just run awae frm it (:
#48 are you too forgiving?
am i? but.. isnt dat good if ebvery1 are forgiving??
#49 are you closer to your mother or your father?
mother. we're connected by umbilical cord one horh!
so dun try funny things!
#50 who is the last person you cried in front of?
long long time ago lerh.
#51 how many people can you say you truly love?
my girlfwens! X3
# 52 Do you eat healthily?
i want to but i cannot control myself lehh..
#53 have you cried cos' of something someone said to you?
i guess not.
#54 if you are having a bad day. who are you most likely to go to?
shut myself out.
#55 Are you loud or quiet most of the time?
it takes time for mi to get loud.
#56 Are you confident?
i dunnoe luh.
5 things i did 10years ago.
#1. eat
#2. sleep
#3. play
#4. talk
#5. drink
5 things on today's to-do- list
#1. do hmwk
#2. sleep ( its 2.45 am now leh)
#3. bath
#4. brush teeth
#5. eat
5 snacks i enjoy
#1. gummies
#2. white chocolates
#3. lychee!
#4. kings ice-cream
#5. agar agar
5 things i would do if i were a billionare
#1. spend half & save half XD XD XD
#2. spend half & save half XD XD XD
#3. spend half & save half XD XD XD
#4. spend half & save half XD XD XD
#5. spend half & save half XD XD XD
5 of my bad habits
#1. dun like to make decisions
#2. i plae too much
#3. i sleep in class
#4. i dun like to do hmwrk.
#5. i'm alwaes tired.
5 places i've lived in
#1. i love my hse
#2. i love my hse
#3. i love my hse
#4. i love my hse
#5. i love my hse
5 jobs i haf had
sadly i dun work. got lobang arh.
5 random people i tag
just do it! XP
have fun, haha! :D
2:49 AM

shan saes the lanterns are marshmallows!

combined schools choir

snapshot of jiashun! rawk on guy(:

i shall make stella drool(:

dey're looking at that air supply concert or dunnoe wad..

sadly the rest are not wif mi ):
must wait for a long time for renee aiais to send mi the rest XD
shawn tok
hwa chong free style drill
deyi sec sch peformance
go & see da performance!
ncc guys frm HWACHONG did a great job man!
dey so cool! spin the rifle wif one hand! XD
& den still got the deyi band!
their drum major damn cool luhhs.
spin tha heavy heavy thing wif one hand only!
david jiayous!
last but not least the CONTINGENTS did the greatest job XD XD
esp the flag bearers! its really wheel on the spot one lorh. damn neat!
12:19 AM
had "tuition lesson" wif yanting & yuting 2dae.. the 2yts (:
shan was late. yeah!
dis will stop her frm complaining bout mi being late during syf XD
aniwae.. dey were cool teachers man.
taught us modulas function and dat geometry thingy wif patience(:
THANK YEWW soo mch!
aniwae aft dat we luched but yuting had to go first..
makaned at kfc den saw those GOH..
gossipped here & dere.
saw nicholas (shans tuition fwen n our sch mate).
so we ate tgt.
dey 2 so cute luhhs.
kept bickering n fightin.
den shan n nicholas went tuition.
mi n yt went lib goossip again(:
girls are owaes girls okay!
saw lotsa css-ians dere lorh.
coincidentally we saw yee mun n zhiyuan *WOW!
did survey for an ex-commonwealthian twoos!
hes now in jjc lerh! jiayous!
see we so give him face!
i guess dat sums up the dae barhs
cos i came bck hm & slept w/o doing ani hmwrk.
can i act like i din noe dere's hmwrk?!
lifes sad wif work!
12:05 AM
YSaturday, June 28, 2008
sadly i still haven take my ht & wt..
why carn we tale right when sch reopens?
hais. im filing so fcking fed up now.
we're fed so mani times during syf luhhs.
dey let u eat brkfast liaos den after 5 min den dey gib u lunch again..
dotz luhh. den dey force u to take one each..
cnnt share derhs. bad bad.
den got tea-brk. the best food usually is during tea-brk XD
den den got dinner at 6? or even earlier..
den march 4 v long marh so after dat wen we all rch sch hungry again den eat AGAIN.
so its like 5 meals a dae..
namely brkfast, lunch, tea brk, dinner & supper..
dunnoe gain how mani kgs liao lorh. wth.
dey feed mi so well dat i tink my appetites growing constantly dae by dae.
i miss syf! its fun!
11:55 PM
YThursday, June 26, 2008
syf was super duper fun!
had preview 2dae but din manage to catch the rest of da pipol performing.
aniwae we saw shawn tok!!
yes yes dat campus superstar!
hes totally cute man!
we actually din quite notice him cos the lighting was very dark inside..
den peirongLOVER suudenly shouted "ohmygod".
den he turned round & waved to us.. imagine dat luh. its oni 1meter awae..
hees! but sum pipol sae "hes just a lill boi".
harhar. mayb im jux a lill too excited?
carn blame mi marh.
aniwae im happi dat i saw him twice at indoor.
mayb a third time tmr?
oh yes! no nid go sch tmr.
huifang is a happi girl for now.
pics up nxt time. im tired to upload in2 photobucket..(:
&& zzt: i'll rmb to do ur quiz derh! XD cheers!
11:18 PM
YMonday, June 23, 2008
urhh. i haben do finish my hmwrk & my bag is unpacked. sians. anibody still haven completed ur eng? i din do all summary & kranji compre. tell mi if u din do pls. its nice to noe dat sumbody else din complete it too(: aniwae, sorry zhongting. i will do ur quiz nxt time derh. i did it juz now using notepad but 4got to save. sry sry!
till now, ciao. im slping. still hav to geddup early tmrw. saddistic.
12:42 AM
YThursday, June 19, 2008

brief summary of camp.
camp was yippee!
seriously fun man!
food was yummy too!
(buffet, egg omelette, lemon barley, gravy rice, rose syrup,WATERMELONS etc)
had afternoon nap oso..
first time in my life seh cos every1 was tirred aft the OC trng oready.
anw, "campfire" was awesome!
omost every1 got ultra high man!
ms faith joined in too XD
she clipped up her fringe during enrolment & looked soo kawaii!
pics are all wif aiiaiis & hope se post 'em up real soon(:
one sad thing.
ms faith is not teaching us CH animre nxt term.
instead, ms kokila is taking over her & it has been confirmed ):
1:49 AM

sistas 4 life

dats my chio hubby. ^

their sexy butts.

c dat cute lill boi in blue plaein soocer? hes uber cool.

c dat one in blue plaein psp? =.=

suhgan (?) is camera shy.

so is sean poon.

dat black canvas one still plaein instead of helpin out..

kind souls.

all work but no plae makes jack a dull boi.

macho guys worh.

she doesnt noe i took dat XP

u jump i watch.

hes sucha cutie!
sum random ulu place

dis oni da startin lorh. we collected a lot a lot a lot mre than dat!
1:41 AM
YSunday, June 15, 2008
lets start the dae off wif my schedule XD
syf trng
camp + oc trng
camp + chinese mock oral
oc trng
cca dae
walkathon at bishan
chiong hmwrk dae(:
sadly we''re all gg bck to school
cool isnt it?
now my math ws is put nicely infrnt of mi & im happily typing awae XD
but heng im onii left wif 3compre+summary & one amath ws XD
is dat considered a few? uh uh.
bonding time wif inu & renee was fun.
bonding wif the other excos was also fun(:
dey are uber cool pipol hu can stae out late shoppin frm morn till nite(:
shop till we drop X3

gosh! its 3.20am now & im wide awake.
ciao pipol.
i hav 2 rch boonlay at 7.15am tomorrow todae.
3:19 AM
YWednesday, June 11, 2008
sakae 2dae.. sushi are <3s
&& dat boiboi serving us is ohh so kawaii !!
he looks lyk korean n den talks lyk japanese wif dat eccent.
uber cute man! XD
8:08 PM
YMonday, June 9, 2008
yay! im at hubby's aka jiang yijing's hse nw.. XD ltr chionging hm ):
oh yarh! service learnin 2dae was quite fun. distributing flyers wif wanping to 4 blks at tampiness. hope da residents appreciated our efforts thou!(:
aniwae while distributing ryte, it was damn horrible luhh. got one hsehold ryte left their main gate open.. den i putting the flyer horhh.. suddenly pop out one chiwawa. u mux b tinking dat its damn cute ryte? paiseh horh. u're damn damn damn wrong i tell u. it started "barking" at mi! damn fierce luhh. den i was shocked luh.. obviously. && dennn, heng horh dey got put sumthing lyk cardboard as a fence. if not i now tio bitten liao lorh (dats wad my hubby sae). hahah. den i dun like dat hsehld so i bo give dem the flyer. BLEAH! XP too bad lorh.
off chiongin hm XD tadaa!
6:47 PM
YSaturday, June 7, 2008
//kath: update ur blog mre kae? im owaes stuck at da linjunjie post. kekes! ;D
//sam: lols! ;D u cute lill gurl! urghh! din c u at vivo dat time. aww ):
//atrina: hahah! nxt time put on ur specs den ;D I MISS U GURL!
//stell: nxt time nvr take fotos at nite ;P
//ly: hehs! i miss testing inks out at muji! wahahah! ;D
//shaun: sure! i shall b a happi gurl ;D
//jingxiang: goooooood! ;P
//huimin: almk! so late den link. broke my <3 seh. hees XD
//yanting: girl! ya linkedd! ;D ;D ;D
//yiqing: yea! b sure 2 tagg mre twoo! thees!
taggies replied [=
4:04 PM
YTuesday, June 3, 2008

lalalas. drooling?! hahah! dats wad mi & dearest (stella pls dun kill mi XP) liyun had for lunch at cck's wan zai long long ago. ours is chicken derh den huishan ate sumthing like.. beef derh? lols. its passable but serving damn big. ate till bloated. dunnoe gain how mani calories liao lorh. aniwae i grabbed dis frm liyuns blog derh. kekes XP
9:47 PM
YMonday, June 2, 2008
i saw one bird "bathing" itself in the pool's water & i was lyk eww!
imagine urself swimming in dat polluted water..
urghh.. im tired!
7:12 PM
YSunday, June 1, 2008
SYF marching 2dae!
& kind ms faith was FORCED to go wif us.
so we all met at like 7.45am at je.
but i was late by umms.. 15min?
kekes. SORRY pipol!
but dat was the 1st time i was late wif dem okayy.
so im pardonable? XD *all smiles
but ms faith went off at 10am and left us in da care of miss xiang lanlan......
aniwae.. the army guys are all changed.
change to all fierce fierce derh.
sobx.. i still prefer last time derh.
but got one very cute!
he small small one.. arnd my height..
which is like.. quite short for him luhh..
budden horh his voice was damn loud can!
cnnt blif ryte?
c him cute cute small small in dat ncc uniform..
den suddenly shout so loud lorh.
dats not the worst can!
last time ryte.. our brk was usually ONE HOUR derh (dats y i lyk their trng XP)
but now horh.. change to FIVE MINUTES liao lorh.
super uber upset man.
den it rained.
mi & liyun was so damn happi.
BUT.. dey found shelter.
dat means marching goes on as usual..
were dismissed.. & rain was dropping.
HAHAHA. huishan din bring her umbrella.
lucky mummy help mi put in..
so i shared wif liyun &&&
xiang lanlan xiao jie sheltered huishan.
i practically 4got wads so farny but
mi & liyun was luffing non-stop luh! XP
was supposed to lunch at ten mile junction
BUT in da end cos got rain so we makaned at cck..
nth special happened i tink..except dat we had fun at long john? *winks
12:32 AM
everything oso kan bu shun yan one lorh.
complain complain complain.
all she noe wad 2 do is to complain..
big mouth seh.
ohh. so sorry.
i 4got u're OREADY a big mouthed person.
for goodness sake larh.
u tink u very pro isit?
cum take my positn luh.
bet u carn even perform dat simple thing out lorh.
tink u very li hai huh!
bai tuo luh.
dun so bu yao lian leh, CHEAP WOMAN.
dun bother guessing hu's she, cos she's not worth ur time.
12:22 AM